Upcoming events.

Worship - Lent, Everything IN Between
Jesus’ ministry disrupted the established social, political, and religious divides of his time. Jesus intentionally pointed out cultural and political extremes to emphasize the radical, inclusive, and surprising love of God. Our theme, “Everything In Between,” invites us to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness. Weekly sub-themes explore two supposed binaries, like “faith & works” or “rest & growth,” or “grief & hope.” These dichotomies are false, and we begin to see present in between.

Worship - Maundy Thursday
We remember the “Last Supper” and Jesus’ last (greatest?) command that we love one another as he loves us. Soup supper at 600pm, and worship right after at 700pm

Worship - Good Friday
Why do we call this day good when it is the day Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried? We trust that not even death has the power over this good and loving God.

Worship - Easter Sunrise
On this Easter morning, we begin a little after sunrise in the memorial garden. Much like the first apostles went to the garden to see him and found him raised not dead, we gather on this morning trusting we will find the same again!

Worship - Easter
On this Easter morning, we blow the trumpets, blast the organ, and celebrate God’s victory over sin, evil, and death. Come celebrate that live and love are our source and our destination!

Worship - Ash Wednesday
As begin the season of Lent, we remember God created us from the most basic elements, what we might call dust. Someday, we will return to dust. But even then, this God will love and hold us still.

Worship - Transfiguration
The last Sunday before the season of Lent is called Transfiguration Sunday. We remember Jesus going up a mountain with some disciples and being transfigured before them, shining, like a light, and connecting with great leaders of history.

Worship - On Mission
Every church is a congregation of God with unique traits, abilites, resources, and purposes. This church calls ourselves a community of believers who worship God, seek Jesus, are led by Holy Spirit, and partner with people. Over seven weeks, we'll remember and unpack our mission statement, and imagine what changes happen in our lives, in the church, and this community when we stay on mission.

Worship - Star Words
On this special Sunday, we celebrate the wise ones from afar who came to welcome God in the flesh with their gifts and service. We also choose a special “star word” as our guide for the year to help us be better disciples. Join us!

Sermon Series - Tired of Waiting (Advent)
Let’s be honest… sure we make jokes about Christmas starting at Halloween, but only because we are get tired of waiting. In the season of Advent, the four Sundays before Christmas, we remember what we are waiting for. We celebrate the promises, and look forward again to te hope, peace, joy, and love of God among us. That gift is worth waiting for. Join us Sundays at 930am.

Sermon Series - Our Money Story
Our money tells a story about us. Where does it come from? Where does it go? This year, this church will listen to Jesus’ teachings on money, and hear the story he wants our money to tell. We will also commit ourselves to give some of our money through this church to help God’s kingdom come in Chestertown and beyond.

All Saints Day
We know October 31 is Halloween. Halloween stands for All Hallows Eve, the evening before All Saints Day, the day we celebrate and remember those we’ve loved and lost. Join us for this special worship service on the patio in the memorial garden for a remembrance of anyone who had died, and trust we will be with them again.

Sermon Series - Perseverance of Job
The cliche is the “patience of Job”, but have you read the book of Job? He wasn’t very patient. Instead he was frustrated, angry, insistent, and confrontational. Perhaps it wasn’t Job’s patience, but his perseverance that God admired. In the face of trouble or injustice, it isn’t just quiet patience, but determined perseverance that models faithfulness. Join us Sundays in October at 930am.

World Communion Sunday
On this special Sunday, churches around the world celebrate the sacrament of communion with one another. Various breads and languages and other symbols are used to help us imagine just how far and wide God’s love extends, well beyond the borders we draw or imagine. Join us at 930am, and at this table, all are always welcome!

Sermon Series - Faith that Works (the book of James)
For the Sundays of September, we are looking for a faith that actually works, one that really helps us get through the challenges of life and that inspires us to make a difference in the bigger world. After all, any faith without works is a dead faith. Join us Sundays at 930am.

Worship - The Abbey
This special worship service gathers most Thursday evenings at 700pm for 30 minutes of prayer, song, communion, and reflection. Its a contemplative candlelit space, with a soft, quiet, yet powerful aura. Its smaller in number, yet very deep and authentic. Join us! Then, if you’d like, stay afterward for our Spiritual Growth discussion and study group.

Guest Preacher - Rev. Laurie Loveless
We are continuing the sermon series “Harmonies of Faith”, and this week we welcome Rev. Laurie Loveless to preach on the doctrine of Christian Life.

New Member Sunday
Join us in person or online as we welcome our newest members in Worship, then stay after to celebrate and share fellowship time with them!

Guest Preacher - Elder Patti Stewart
We are continuing the sermon series “Harmonies of Faith”, and this week we welcome Elder Patti Stewart to preach on the doctrine of Church.

Summer Worship Series - "Harmonies of Faith"
We believe different things… inside ourselves and across the church. These different beliefs can clash or create conflict. When our faith is tuned to God, our different beliefs become complimenting notes in a beautiful harmony. Each Sunday this summer, we'll study one big belief, one song supporting that belief, and find our own note in the harmonies of faith. If you’d like read the book "Presbyterian Beliefs (Revised Edition, 2017)" by Don McKim to compliment the series.

Sermon Series - "Walk in the Spirit"
We speak of a TRIUNE God, one God we know through three personas. Christian churches easily speak of God the father, creator. We also speak often of God the son, Christ, redeemer. But why do we skip over God the Spirit, mother, comforter, breath, fire, encourager. She only gets one Sunday a year, Pentecost. This year, we are using 1st Corinthians and Acts to highlight the works of Holy Spirit for severn Sundays.

Christmas Eve
On Christmas Eve, we enjoy a 4:00pm worship service for the whole family (especially the younger ones), an 8:00pm traditional service of stories and songs, and an 11:00pm candlelight and communion service.

Advent & Christmas: How Does a Weary World Rejoice?
This Advent and Christmas season, inspired by the stories of Luke 1-3, we will hold space for our weariness and our joy. We will seek a “thrill of hope” in our hurting world. We will welcome joy—even and especially if, like the prophet Isaiah, we cry out for comfort (Isaiah 40:1). In this weary world, may we find many ways to rejoice.

Broken: Holy Leadership
What God expects of good leaders is very different than what we often choose. In three ancient stories, we reveal the good and bad of leadership, and discover what God does and does not want from leaders of God’s people.

All Saints Evening Worship
A reflective evening worship experience remembering those we have loved and lost.

Hello? Answering the Call of God
God calls ALL of us to participate in what God is doing and wants done. Do we dare answer? In this five week Stewardship series, we discover the 5 steps of answering and responding to God’s call on ALL of our lives.

World Communion Sunday
This one Sunday every year, the first Sunday of October, believer come together around the globe to unite as one people of God, and share in the hope of God’s glorious feast.

The Gospel According to Genesis
The Good News or Gospel of God has been true since the beginning. Even in Genesis, we see the three traits of God that promise us God is good!

The Abbey
The Abbey is a prayerful, reflective worship service in the style of Iona. This simpler service focuses on prayer, song, litanies, peace, comfort, healing, and regular communion.
(NOTE: does NOT meet Thanksgiving Thursday)

Summer's End
As summer ends, we celebrate the rest behind us and prepare for the next season of growth and harvest.

Seven Marks
In a vital congregation, everyone dives deeper into intentional spiritual practices that dare us to follow Jesus Christ.
In a vital congregation, individual lives are changed, the congregation is transformed, and the mission of God spreads beyond the congregation to the community and world.
In a vital congregation, leaders are continually assessing, discerning, and leading others toward faithful actions.
God created us to be a VITAL Congregation!

The Abbey
The Abbey offers a circle of concern and compassion for people and situations requiring prayer over an extended period. Members lead an informal service focusing on prayer, peace, healing, and communion.

Acts of Faith
Jesus promises a new power to those who believe him and try to follow him. It's not normal power that we assume comes from wealth, influence, or might. This is Holy Spirit power. It shares, collaborates, and defers. The power of God in Holy Spirit is strange to us, and might even appear weak. But as Jesus lives, Holy Spirit power is the power of true life.

864th Stated Meeting of the New Castle Presbytery
Gather, worship, break bread, and learn with us!

Light & Love
Study the Bible, discuss current events, pray, practice spiritual disciplines, serve the church community, build relationships, and play! Contemporary worship service included.