Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with God.
Anyone can serve on any committee of this church. In fact, we encourage everyone to find at least one way to serve the church and one way to serve a mission partner.
Ministry Committees
Worship, Music, & Arts
People hunger to feel the connections between us and each other, us and God. Our pastors, staff, and volunteers help make worship an experience of sight, sound, and smell, of heart, mind, and spirit. Will you help us grow the impact of worship?
Children & Youth
Jesus insisted grown-ups not block the children, and told the grown-ups we must become children again to realize God’s Kin-dom. We give children and youth a safe space to be themselves and ask big questions, while guiding them in an honest theology that will celebrate the joys and survive the struggles of life. Will you help us nurture faithfulness in children and youth?
Adults need relationships that are honest and deep. We craft events, meals, and outings where we get to know one another. Then we design and host a wide variety of small groups where adults can ask, learn, grow, and share. Will you help us organize these events and groups?
This God is a God of many peoples, many nations. Our Missions committee sends a tithe (10%) of our total budget to local, national, denomination, and global partners. We also advocate for peace and justice, and activate people to work and serve. Will you help us change the world?
Outreach & Communications
We always make room for the next person looking for community. This team organizes and publishes graphics, text, and videos so all the world can see our heart. Will you help us warmly invite others?
Stewardship & Planning
We are co-creators with God, not content to just wait for God’s kin-dom, but committed to work for its coming for all people. We lay out plans and dreams, and then invite people to commit their time and treasure to help us grow this corner of God’s garden. Will you help us grow?
Administration & Finance
We carefully track every gift and guarantee all resources are used as promised in our public budget.
We take good care of the gift of property, buildings, and grouds we’ve been given. We love to share this space with other community groups.
Human Resources
We support our staff. We give them room to try and fail. We hold them accountable. We follow their lead. We review their performance, double check their needs, and compensate them fairly.
Volunteering = Love
God has uniquely equipped every person with specific skills and gifts. We are tasked with utilizing these gifts for a higher purpose. Using your God-given skills as a volunteer is a fantastic way to exercise your faith. By volunteering, you serve not only as a helping hand but also as a witness of the Gospel message within the church and community.
Nominate Leaders
Every August, we nominate and elect the next class of Elders for Session (the governing board) and Deacons for Diaconate (the caring board). They learn their role and are trained through December, are examined in January, then ordained and/or installed to begin serving in February. Anyone may nominate any active member of the church to either role.