When disciples blocked the children, Jesus said let them come. When adults shushed the children, Jesus said we all must become like children to get close to the Kingdom of God. The children teach us how to be joyful, curious, excited, forgiving, just as we teach them faith lessons for life.
“The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.”
Children in Sunday Worship? YES!
At this church, all children (and all of every child) are always welcome for all of worship. Children enter worship with their families and are welcomed with a play bag of their own. They participate in the songs, readings, creeds, and prayers. In the middle of worship, children are invited forward to a special lesson with one of our pastors. Afterward, children may return to their family or go with an adult volunteer to Kids Korner.
Summer Camp Experience
We love to gather the children, grandchildren, and younger friends and guests of this church to camp together! We know camp experiences can often be the biggest moment of faith in a young persons life. So, however you are connected to this church, register your young one at for either of the camps below, and we will help offset some of the cost!
Sunday Kids’ Korner
Kids Korner is a dedicated space just outside the sanctuary, far enough away from parents so they can relax and focus on worship, but not so far away as to worry parents. In Kids Korner, the children take about 20 minutes to share a snack, lesson, and craft or game. After Kids Korner, children return to “big worship”.
VBS Week
Each summer, we invite the younger ones of the church and any child of the community to come play, learn, and worship together. Our evening VBS program is four nights, later in the summer. We provide dinner, crafts, games, music, and lots of love. Our goal is only to let every child know they are already loved by God now and always will be.