Upcoming events.
Children - Kids Korner (mid-worship)
ALL children are ALWAYS welcome for ALL of worship. When children enter, ushers offer their own worship bulletin AND a worship kit of markers, crayons, and crafts. The first scripture and children’s moment will be led by one of our pastors. Afterward, the children are invited to move to the Kids' Korner, or to return to the pews, at the parent’s option.
Kids Korner time is mid-worship and gives children the opportunity to grow in their knowledge and love of God, self, and others. Our goal is to return the children to “big” worship after about 30 minutes.
The typical timing and flow of Kids Korner is from 9454-1015am:
5 minutes - snack, introductions, and first question
5-10 minutes - questions and discussion on the scripture
10-15 minutes - activity, craft, or embodiment
5 minutes - regather, coins for the offering, sending prayer, and “@ Home” sheet for parents
Adult Group - Caregivers Group
Monthly, 2nd Tuesday, Sep-May, 10:30am, PCC Conference Room
Sandee Trakat, an experience nurse and caregiver, provides this group space for anyone caring for loved ones and needing support themselves.
Sandee would love an email to let her know you are coming, but this group is always ope and welcome to those in need.
Adult Group - Heron Point Circle
Monthly, 2nd Tuesdays, 11:00am, Heron Point Main Building, Activities Room
Rev. Joel leads us through this years PCUSA guided study, “Let Justice Roll Down”. God’s call is for loving justice. So why is our world still so torn apart by unjust systmes and structures, and what can we do about it today?
Books are available online, or Valerie in the church office can help you.
Worship - On Mission
Every church is a congregation of God with unique traits, abilites, resources, and purposes. This church calls ourselves a community of believers who worship God, seek Jesus, are led by Holy Spirit, and partner with people. Over seven weeks, we'll remember and unpack our mission statement, and imagine what changes happen in our lives, in the church, and this community when we stay on mission.
Worship - Transfiguration
The last Sunday before the season of Lent is called Transfiguration Sunday. We remember Jesus going up a mountain with some disciples and being transfigured before them, shining, like a light, and connecting with great leaders of history.
Worship - Ash Wednesday
As begin the season of Lent, we remember God created us from the most basic elements, what we might call dust. Someday, we will return to dust. But even then, this God will love and hold us still.
Worship - Lent, Everything IN Between
Jesus’ ministry disrupted the established social, political, and religious divides of his time. Jesus intentionally pointed out cultural and political extremes to emphasize the radical, inclusive, and surprising love of God. Our theme, “Everything In Between,” invites us to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness. Weekly sub-themes explore two supposed binaries, like “faith & works” or “rest & growth,” or “grief & hope.” These dichotomies are false, and we begin to see present in between.
Worship - Maundy Thursday
We remember the “Last Supper” and Jesus’ last (greatest?) command that we love one another as he loves us. Soup supper at 600pm, and worship right after at 700pm
Worship - Good Friday
Why do we call this day good when it is the day Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried? We trust that not even death has the power over this good and loving God. Worship at 1200pm, and a lunch at 1245pm.
Worship - Easter Sunrise
On this Easter morning, we begin a little after sunrise in the memorial garden. Much like the first apostles went to the garden to see him and found him raised not dead, we gather on this morning trusting we will find the same again!
Worship - Easter
On this Easter morning, we blow the trumpets, blast the organ, and celebrate God’s victory over sin, evil, and death. Come celebrate that live and love are our source and our destination!
Youth - MS Camp 2025 (Massanetta)
5th-8th Graders go to Massanetta Springs every summer for an amazing retreat that with hundreds of other youth from chuches all along the east coast. Youth will come home feeling unplugged, invigorated, loved, supported, and will have two hands-full of new friends. Set aside this week early, so other camps and vacations won’t get in the way!
Contact Rev. Caitlan to make your early reservation and deposit.
Youth - HS Camp 2025 (Montreat)
9th-12th Graders go to Montreat every summer for an amazing retreat that with hundreds of other youth from chuches all along the east coast. Youth will come home feeling unplugged, invigorated, loved, supported, and will have two hands-full of new friends. Set aside this week early, so other camps and vacations won’t get in the way!
Contact Rev. Caitlan to make your early reservation and deposit.
Worship - Star Words
On this special Sunday, we celebrate the wise ones from afar who came to welcome God in the flesh with their gifts and service. We also choose a special “star word” as our guide for the year to help us be better disciples. Join us!
Messiah Sing-along
Everyone, anyone is welcome to come and join your voices in a rousing rendition of Handel’s Messiah. Every voice is welcome and included, and if you aren’t a singer, come and enjoy anyway. Bring your own score, or we will have extras to share. We will choose a selection of choral pieces, then finish with the Halleluia chorus. Refreshments and fellowship offered afterward.
Sermon Series - Tired of Waiting (Advent)
Let’s be honest… sure we make jokes about Christmas starting at Halloween, but only because we are get tired of waiting. In the season of Advent, the four Sundays before Christmas, we remember what we are waiting for. We celebrate the promises, and look forward again to te hope, peace, joy, and love of God among us. That gift is worth waiting for. Join us Sundays at 930am.
Adult Group - Spiritual Growth Group (Copy)
Weekly, Thursdays, Sep-Nov, 7:30pm, PCC Conference Room
This group leans toward spiritual growth. How do we connect with Holy Spirit, feed our own spirit, and connect our spirits to one another? We use scripture and other resources to point us toward wholeness in body, mind, relationships, and communities.
Sep-Nov Books are available online here.
Nov-Dec books are available online here.
Valerie, in the church office, may have an extra copy or two, or can help you order online if you’re not comfortable doing so.
Sermon Series - Our Money Story
Our money tells a story about us. Where does it come from? Where does it go? This year, this church will listen to Jesus’ teachings on money, and hear the story he wants our money to tell. We will also commit ourselves to give some of our money through this church to help God’s kingdom come in Chestertown and beyond.
All Saints Day
We know October 31 is Halloween. Halloween stands for All Hallows Eve, the evening before All Saints Day, the day we celebrate and remember those we’ve loved and lost. Join us for this special worship service on the patio in the memorial garden for a remembrance of anyone who had died, and trust we will be with them again.
All Church Event - Garden Picnic (39th Anniversary of the Church)
The congregation was chartered 39 years ago this September! Let’s gather on the Green Steward space for an all-church picnic. Bring your own food, or buy something from the BBQ Bueno food truck. Bring your own blanket or yard chairs, or sit at the picnic tables. Bring some yard games to share, or enjoy the ones others bring. Hear more about the Green Steward project and the Memorial Garden. Bring yourself, your family, and a few friends!
Sermon Series - Perseverance of Job
The cliche is the “patience of Job”, but have you read the book of Job? He wasn’t very patient. Instead he was frustrated, angry, insistent, and confrontational. Perhaps it wasn’t Job’s patience, but his perseverance that God admired. In the face of trouble or injustice, it isn’t just quiet patience, but determined perseverance that models faithfulness. Join us Sundays in October at 930am.
World Communion Sunday
On this special Sunday, churches around the world celebrate the sacrament of communion with one another. Various breads and languages and other symbols are used to help us imagine just how far and wide God’s love extends, well beyond the borders we draw or imagine. Join us at 930am, and at this table, all are always welcome!
Prayer Group
Join us every Wednesday night @ 6:30pm for our Prayer Group, let by Rev. Laurie Loveless. It is a chance to pray together and help deepen our faith, lift up your needs and to seek God’s guidance and direction for each other and for our church!
Adult Group - Faith Matters (Interracial Mens Group)
Monthly, 3rd Fridays, Sep-Nov, 6:30pm, BAD Alfred’s, 323 High Street, Chestertown, Back Room
Rev. Joel and Bishop Fisher (of Faith Life Church in Chestertown) colead this public interracial men’s group. Can we show the world there are no races, only one human race? What would happen if we could fully, finally dismantle all racism from the world. Big change starts with small steps, like these conversations and relationships.
No book, reading, or preparation needed. Just come!
All Church Outing - Washington College Soccer Game
Let’s all gather at the Washington College soccer game, Wed Sep 18 at 700pm. We need to grw in our relationship with the college, and show them we see them and love them! Buy your own ticket at the gate, and meet us inside!
Adult Group - Rev. Caitlan’s Book Club
Twice/Month, 2nd & 4th Thursdays, Sep-Nov, 6:00pm, Rotating homes
Rev. Caitlan has chosen Fr. Richard Rohr’s book, “Falling Upward” for this falls group discussion. How does spirituality and faith change between the first and second half of life?
Books are available online here.
Valerie, in the church office, may have an extra copy or two, or can help you order online if you’re not comfortable doing so.
Adult Group - Mens Fellowship Bible Study
Weekly, Mondays, Sep-Nov, 5:00pm, PCC Conference Room
The story of Job is not an easy one. What can we learn about God, life, and ourselves by reading and studying this amazing story of struggle, faithfulness, suffering, and redemption? We promise, spend this fall with us, and you will know yourself a little better, feel more connected to God, and will know you have real friends nearby. Elder Scott would love to know your are coming, by email, but you’re welcome to just show up!
Books are available online here.
If you’d like, contact Valerie in the church office, and she might have an extra copy of the book, or can help you order one.
Youth - Light & Love (6th-12th Grade Youth Group)
Twice/Month, 2nd & 4th Sundays, Sep-Dec, 5:30pm
6th-12th graders enjoy a big game, a yummy dinner, contemporary style worship, and break out discussion groups. Rev. Caitlan guides us all through open-ended questions, and gives the youth plenty of room to imagine and grow in their faith. Topics are often chosen by the students. In the past year, we’ve discussed bullying, gus, war, other religions, what the Bible really says and doesnt say, etc… Diver right in and bring a friend. We promise, all of you, every bit of you is welcome here, exactly as you are.
Rev. Caitlan would love to know you are coming, but all are are always welcome!
Sermon Series - Faith that Works (the book of James)
For the Sundays of September, we are looking for a faith that actually works, one that really helps us get through the challenges of life and that inspires us to make a difference in the bigger world. After all, any faith without works is a dead faith. Join us Sundays at 930am.
Adult Group - Spiritual Growth Group
Weekly, Thursdays, Sep-Nov, 7:30pm, PCC Conference Room
This group leans toward spiritual growth. How do we connect with Holy Spirit, feed our own spirit, and connect our spirits to one another? We use scripture and other resources to point us toward wholeness in body, mind, relationships, and communities.
Sep-Nov Books are available online here.
Nov-Dec books are available online here.
Valerie, in the church office, may have an extra copy or two, or can help you order online if you’re not comfortable doing so.
Worship - The Abbey
This special worship service gathers most Thursday evenings at 700pm for 30 minutes of prayer, song, communion, and reflection. Its a contemplative candlelit space, with a soft, quiet, yet powerful aura. Its smaller in number, yet very deep and authentic. Join us! Then, if you’d like, stay afterward for our Spiritual Growth discussion and study group.
Adult Group - Interpretations Bible Study
Weekly, Wednesdays, Sep-Dec, 9:00am, PCC Conference Room (except NOT the Wed before Thanksgiving)
Rev. Joel asks us to join him around a table to share what WE are seeing, hearing, thinking, and feeling from the Sunday scriptures. We open the time reflecting on last Sunday’s scripture and sermon. Then, we shift to helping Joel study the coming Sunday scripture. A sermon is not meant to be a monologue but a never ending conversation with one another and God. Join the conversation this fall!
The Scriptures for this fall will include the book of Job, the book of James, and various others like Isaiah, Joel, Luke, and John. All you need to bring is yourself and a Bible. (If you don’t have a Bible, we can give you one to use or keep!)
Adult Group - Homebrewed Theology
Twice/Month, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, Sep-Nov, 6:00pm, Tolbert home
Rev. Joel and Jill host us in their home for a comfortable, casual, anything goes, everything welcome conversation on life, God, faith, Bible, theology, etc… If you’d like, bring something to enjoy yourself, and/or to share with others. Or, just come!
No books needed for this group this season
Adult Group - Knit Unto Others
Weekly, Tuesdays, Sep-Dec, 12:00pm, PCC Green Room
Maybe you’re an old pro at knitting. Maybe you’re just getting started. Maybe you want to make one special item for yourself or a friend. Maybe you’ll help us make special gifts for people in the church, community, or around the world. The group welcomes you!
No books, needles, or even yard needed. Bring what you have, and we’ll help you with the rest.
Jackie would love an email letting her know you are joining us. Or, just show up! All are always welcome!
Adult Group - Small Groups LAUNCH Party
Sun Aug 25, 11:00am, Fellowship Hall
Come find your small group for Fall 2024! We have lots to choose from with options of frequency, location, day of the week, and topic. We always order a few books, or if you are able, order your own through your favorite retailer.
This congregation expects everyone to have a group where we can build relationships and build faith. Join one today!
Called Congregational Meeting
The Session has called a Congregational meeting, at the request of the Nominating Committee, to nominate and elect Elders to Session and Deacons to Diaconate for the class of 2025-27. Join us to meet the nominees, cast your vote, and thank those who are saying yes to this service!
Guest Preacher - Rev. Laurie Loveless
We are continuing the sermon series “Harmonies of Faith”, and this week we welcome Rev. Laurie Loveless to preach on the doctrine of Christian Life.
New Member Sunday
Join us in person or online as we welcome our newest members in Worship, then stay after to celebrate and share fellowship time with them!
Blessing of the Backpacks
Children, teens, youth, teachers, professors, staff are all welcomed forward in this special worship service to bless their backpacks as another year of school begins.
2024 VBS - Start the Party!
Jesus loved a party! He loved to include people, and make the party bigger and better, until all the world was enjoying one another. For this four-night VBS, we will have worship, dinner, play games, make crafts and music, and learn that God is love and loves everyone. Find out more or register HERE.
Guest Preacher - Elder Patti Stewart
We are continuing the sermon series “Harmonies of Faith”, and this week we welcome Elder Patti Stewart to preach on the doctrine of Church.
All-Church Cruise on the Packet
We’ve rented out The Chester River Packet for an evening dinner cruise, and welcome any and all members and friends to hop aboard. $50 per person, and scholarships are available if needed.
Fireworks Party
Meet us at Wilmer Park (in Chestertown) for a family-friendly picnic! Pack your basket, bring your chairs, and load up the family for a fun evening under the fireworks. The show begins at dusk (usually around 9:15 PM.)